PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics - Free download of guitar tablature for Sitting Waiting Wishing by Jack Johnson
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Jack Johnson guitar chords  - Sitting Waiting Wishing   

***** PJs Guitar Chords & Lyrics - http://www.guitarsongs.info *****
Am  Am7  G  G7  F  F7  C  C7
    Am               Am7
Well I was sitting, waiting, wishing
 G               G7
You believed in superstitions
 F               F7       C     C7
Then maybe you'd see the signs
The Lord knows that this world is cruel
And I ain't the Lord, I'm just a fool
and in love with somebody don't make them love you
        E          E7                Am   Am7  Am  Am7
Must I always be waiting, waiting on you
Must I always be playing, playing your fool
I sang your songs, I danced your dance
I gave your friends all a chance
Putting up with them wasn't worth ever having you
Maybe you've been through this before
But it's my first time so please ignore
The next few lines cause they're directed at you
I can't always be waiting, waiting on you
I can't always be playing, playing your fool
C                    E
I keep playing your part
But it's not my scene
Want this part to twist
           F          C
I've had enough mystery
Keep building it up
Then shooting me down
But I'm already down
Just wait a minute ....
Am  Am7  G
       G7              F   F7   C  
Just sitting, waiting
Just wait a minute
Am  Am7  G
       G7              F   F7   C   C7
Just sitting, waiting
Well if I was in your position
I'd put down all my ammunition
I'd wonder why it had taken me so long
The lord knows that I'm not you
and if I was I wouldn't be so cruel
cause waitin' on love ain't so easy to do
Must I always be waiting, waiting on you
Must I always be playing, playing your fool
No I can't always be waiting, waiting on you   
          E         E7                   Am   Am7     E   Am
I can't always be playing, playing your fool....... fool
The above is solely MY INTERPRETATION of this great song, in a format aimed at learning guitarists.
No attempt has been made to copy or reproduce the artist's or publisher's sheet music for the song, 
if such exists.
It can be used for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. To play the song as it should be played, you should 
purchase the official sheetmusic for the song. You should also purchase and listen to the song to learn 
the rhythm and timing of the song - this is essential if you wish to play the song with any degree of accuracy


Click here for printable version 


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Jack Johnson guitar chords  - Sitting Waiting Wishing









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